Monday, August 10, 2009

On the Road Again

Cape Kiwanda, taken on Saturday, August 8th. Currently my desktop background!

Hey everyone,

It has been a long time, I know! I have actually been very much enjoying the first real summer that I have had for a few years. This morning, I was at
Cape Kiwanda, Oregon with my family on a weekend beach trip, and now I am currently typing from Birch Bay, Washington, where I am staying for the next few days with Ryan Bowen and his parents. We will probably make a trip up to Vancouver, B.C. as well! Just wanted to check in and let you all know that I am in fact still around - pictures will be coming soon, once this all calms down. No news on the job front yet - there simply aren't any to apply for! We will see what happens down the stretch! Let me know how you are doing - ready for school to start back up? :-)

Have a great day, thanks for visiting!

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