Dear former students,
It has been a great school year so far for me, and I certainly hope for you as well. I have thoroughly enjoyed the e-mails that some of you have sent my way as well as the comments on here. I must say that I have thought about updating this blog roughly 100 times in the past few months, but kept putting it off due to having way too much to say and do (plus not knowing where to start). So, here are the highlights:
- I ended the JetBlue "All-You-Can-Jet" Pass having flown 27 flights, 36,452 miles, 5 countries, 11 airports, seeing many great friends, and making priceless memories in one month - while working four days a week. It was the most amazing experience of my life.
- Came out to Westview for the Beaverton football game. Saw Jaye, Brandon, Russel, Nathan, Mary, and CJ (on the sidelines after the game). I also got to catch up with Mrs. DeFrance and her husband, as well as see Mr. Chamberlain and most of the football coaches. Good times!
- Was hired on for extra time at Marshall High School in Portland, where I am now tutoring in a Freshman English class in addition to the after school job there. It totals about 22 hours a week, which is obviously not a ton, but it is nice that I don't have a ridiculous amount of duties. I really love my job and working with the kids at Marshall - they are great people.
- Went to all of the Oregon Ducks football home games (after missing most of the start of the season due to flying). Saw former student Carson Kelly at one game - on an official visit for the baseball team, no less! The USC and Oregon State games in particular were INSANE. After we beat OSU, I booked my flights for the Rose Bowl, where I will be at on Jan. 1st with my brother. Yeah, I know that I am lucky.
- Saw the Blazers lose to Denver on the second night of the season in person. By the way, what the heck is happening to our boys this year? It is like the injury plague! Seems like they are battling through for the most part.
- Went up to Paine Field in Washington (a little North of Seattle, where the Boeing plant is), for a free tour that I won with my dad. I also ended up winning a $250 Alaska Airlines Gift Certificate as well!
- Started a Twitter page (yes, I know... what is the world coming to?) You can find that here:
- Watched my Philadelphia Eagles clinch an NFL playoff spot this afternoon on TV (more specifically, watching the NFL Red Zone channel - if that channel had existed when I was in high school I am fairly certain I would not have graduated).
There is roughly a thousand other events in there (retreats, trips, events, etc) but I will spare you the details. Just know that I think of you all often and hope that all is well!
Period 1, can you believe that a little more than a year ago, I took over teaching your class and we had the snowed out week that pushed back the Rwanda speeches until after Winter Break? Hehe. I will always remember that.
The next year promises to be a busy one as well. In addition to finishing out the year strong with my group at Marshall, I will be looking for full time teaching work next year. I also have a trip to England for my Grandma's 80th birthday in February planned, as well as a trip to Princeton, New Jersey to see my brother graduate on the 1st of June. Throw in a possible trip to Washington DC over Spring Break, and it is possible that it will top 2009 as my most traveled year ever. It all starts off in Los Angeles at the Rose Bowl - look for me in Section 9, Row 16 on TV! :-)
I am not sure how many people still read this, but I promise to come back and keep updating in the future. For now, let me know that you visited and tell me what is going on with everyone! Have a great Winter Break! :-)