Friday, June 26, 2009


Afternoon all.

This has been an exciting couple of days! The NBA draft was fun to watch, especially the #10 pick who decided that he wasn't going to show himself on stage until several picks later when he suddenly appeared from behind the curtains. Good stuff. Also, the long lost John Smoltz went 5 innings last night for the beloved Red Sox (after pitching so many years for Bobby Cox and the Braves down in the ATL) and actually pitched fairly well. He definitely pitched far better than his statistics showed. It was sad though to learn of the deaths of so many famous celebrities. Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, and Farrah Fawcett all in the same week?! Sheesh! Its almost making me wonder, "Who is next?"

This next part that I'm going to write about has completely changed the course of my summer. Just today I was out checking the mail and I received a piece of mail from the Caribbean cruise lines notifying me that I had won a free cruise. Now, normally these types of things are a hoax. But this one is different! I called in to their corporate headquarters and found out that it is completely legitimate. I get a free 3 night cruise to the Bahamas, along with 3 days in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 2 nights in Orlando, Florida, and 3 nights in Vegas! To cap it all off, I get 1300 bucks in spending cash! I am so excited! This will be my first time leaving the country, and my first cruise as well!

Also, for anyone who cares, the Oregon District 4 Little League 11-12 year old baseball honors tournament begins Saturday, and I have the great honor of being a member of the umpiring crew. This is quite a feat for any little league umpire, let alone a first year umpire like myself. It is a great compliment to receive such an honor.

I hope everyone is having such a great summer! I wish more people would post on here about their summer plans, but oh well. The sun is shining and I'm finally getting over that nasty 3 day flu deal I had (maybe it was swine flu... :P). Well, thats about all for now. Take it easy alums.



Luke Fritz said...


That sounds amazing! Though I would be seriously questioning it too. "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." Did you do any research online about the company and the free cruises? Calling the headquarters is a start, but I would be really wanting to hear from outside sources of information too. Here's a really interesting website about how these sorts of things happen (especially with the cruise deal): - Travel Scams. I'll bet that there is a lot of information out there. I would still be VERY suspicious in your shoes.

Glad to see you are following the baseball season still - that and tennis are about all we have left now!

I am actually just really glad to have the people we already do to stop by. Lots of fun! Have you had any updates from Jazmyne? We need to see her on here! Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Zack Thompson said...

Mr. Fritz,
I have indeed done some research, and I still am suspicious, but from what I have read there is a good possibility that it is legitimate. We would have to attend some presentations and other sales pitches, but they shouldn't be a huge deal.

And YES! I am disappointed that my man Nadal didn't play in Wimbeldon, but I still enjoy watching the tournament.

I talked to Jazmyne several days ago on myspace, but I haven't heard from her since Sunday. I really hope she will get on here and post about her new life in Arizona. Thanks, and you have a great weekend too!

How is the job hunt coming? Anything from that lead you had over at Liberty?

Luke Fritz said...


See, the presentations that you have to go to sound a lot like that link. All the best to getting that to all work out - I am sure it would be amazing if it all turns out!

By the way, it sounds like you have done an absolutely incredible job of umpiring! That is truly a big honor. Way to go!

Wimbledon is by far my favorite sporting event of the summer. In fact, next weekend, I will post a bit about my trip to the All England Club in 2007 - I got to sneak into Centre Court to watch the end of Venus Williams winning the Championship! I also have all sorts of cool souvenirs, like game used balls, and sweet pictures.

As far as the job hunt goes, I am actually in the process of writing my application essays for that Liberty job right now. It was posted online on Wednesday night, and anyone can apply for the next two weeks. I'm guessing roughly a thousand teachers will apply (okay, maybe not THAT much), but I figure I have a good shot. I'll definitely let everyone know what happens, if anything.

John said...

Wow Mr.Frtiz sounds like this has been your lucky week! Well I hope you have fun on your cruise!

Luke Fritz said...


This was actually Zack's post, not mine! It is a new thing on the alumni blog - you guys can post blog entries whenever you want! I believe I sent you an invitation to sign up to be an author as well, so you can do the same.

Have a great night!

Scout said...

just so everyone knows my parents are watching a special reanactement on the somali pirate capture thingy on discovery and i though of global studies ohhh good times

Luke Fritz said...

Yay Scout!

I'm so glad you thought of what we learned! I'll bet you could tell your parents all about why Somalia is currently a failed state, if you put your mind to it, too!
