Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Dear Alums,
I do not have long to write, so we will make this super short and quick.

First off, I would like to let everyone know that this thing that you Oregon natives call "summer", is not in fact summer. Summer consists of sunny days, with NO RAIN AND CLOUDS. That being said, hopefully our "summer" vacation will eventually consist of some summer weather.

On to the news brief. On CNN, I found an amazing article about former president Jimmy Carter and his recent visit to Israel. He sat down with members of both groups, and talked some things out. EXACTLY WHAT WE TALKED ABOUT IN CLASS! We all have to realize that Arabs and Israelis are all human. Mr. Carter very emotionally brings this into plain sight. Coming from a man of his stature, this article ought to make Americans feel ashamed at how much we ignore Palestinians until they start blowing up Israelis.

On a lighter note, tonight I went out and umpired at five oaks middle school, and had to kick out a parent. This was a first for me, and somewhat intimidating to be honest. I was convinced I was going to be murdered at the end of the game. However, it is all done with though, and I'm glad to have made it home in one piece. Also, for those of you who knew her, I got a myspace message from Jazmyne today. It was so great to hear from her! Hopefully she will post on here very soon.

I hope all of you are enjoying your "summers!" Take it easy alums.



Luke Fritz said...


Awesome stuff! I am actually a little relieved that summer has not kicked into full gear weather wise, because I am already a little sunburned from being out on the field earlier in the week! Four straight hours of direct sun in the middle of the afternoon is really not a good idea. Add in allergies, and I have been just trying to get by!

I am excited for this weekend though - I will be helping out at Canby Camp, as my last hurrah for the foreseeable future with Westview! Next week it is on to classes at Lewis and Clark full time.

How is your ankle? What was the verdict from the doctor? Awesome news article, and I am glad to hear that Jazmyne made it safe and sound down to Arizona!

Also, I know I linked to it in my post, but everyone should be following what is going on in Iran right now, with people trying to get democracy and rights, using (mostly) non-violent rallies and protests. You can see what is happening in videos, pictures, and words on this excellent live blog: - Iran Updates (VIDEO): Live-Blogging The Uprising.

Whew, what a day! Tomorrow it is the same with football (1:00-5:30ish), but add in a trip to the dentist... I have only had one cavity in my life, let's keep that streak going!

Abe said...

Dude awsome. You got to kick out a parent from a game. I went to fiveoax and they got some rowdy parents.

Zack Thompson said...

Mr. Fritz,
Yeah I'm sure I would complain less if I were out there with you.

My ankle is progressively getting worse. I still have not been to the doctor but I plan on going soon. Just from the level of pain of normal daily stuff there is no way I am going to be able to play. It is unfortunate, but thats what happens when you get a bad doctor. Its life I guess.

The whole Iran thing is so interesting. Those people are crying out for democracy but they may not get it. I sure hope they do.

The guy I kicked out was actually from Sherwood, but I have heard that the other Westview Team (Who would be affiliated with Five Oaks and Stoller) have some jerk parents. I will find out soon enough.

You guys both take care,


Abe said...

Your too cool Zack

Zack Thompson said...

Haha. Thanks man.