Good evening, everyone!
I really hope that your first week off has been restful and interesting. As I pointed out below, I have been coaching football out at Westview this entire week (basically just trying to chip in where I can). Tomorrow (Saturday), we are starting the camp that we have been preparing for the last two weeks! It takes place at Canby High School, about 45 minutes away from Westview. We are not actually staying the night there, but will be there practicing and playing various teams from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM, on both Saturday and Sunday. If you want, come out and watch next year's team! I will primarily be coaching the incoming freshmen, but you will also see me with the other squads as well. Zack, you will be sad to hear that I got absolutely DRENCHED today at the Freshman practice. So much so that Coach Fisher took pity on me and gave me new clothes for the second practice. Summer, indeed.
In other news, after football ends, it is back to Lewis and Clark full-time for me. I have already ordered all of my books (in college, you have to pay for every textbook, and it is not fun), and been e-mailed a 3 page essay, due on Monday! Crazy times. Back to being a student for me! One of the classes I am taking is on teaching the Constitution, which will be taught by Westview's own Athletic Director (and all around amazing guy), Mike Sanderson! I am definitely looking forward to it. However, with class from 9:00-5:00 on Monday and Wednesday, as well as classes from 9:00-1:30 on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, I know it is going to be a ton of work!
Totally jazzed by the student blogs that have gone up this week (below)! Exactly what I was hoping for! This place should really be for everyone to stay in contact with everyone else, not just me with you all. For one, I think that people are probably more interested in how everyone is doing, not just me. Two, I really enjoy reading and seeing what everyone else is up to as well! Please, keep it up! Remember to e-mail me if you want to be able to post blogs yourself, so I can send you an invitation! After that, just sign in to www.blogger.com - select "new post" under this blog, and you are good to go!
For those interested, here's the visitor stat tracker (which I tend to think is counting first time visitors wrongly, because as much as I would like to believe that there have been 242 different visitors, I do not - EDIT: Unless, as I just realized might be so, the tracker is counting "first time visitors" PER DAY - as in, it resets every night. That would make way more sense, so we are averaging about 30 visits a day - good!) for this first week:

Overall, I am still very pleased! Keep coming back and checking in! As I said, I am hoping to keep my own post count down to about once a week, but there is no limit to how much everyone else can post!
Okay, a few other things before I head off. One, for those interested about my ability to possibly land a teaching job for next year - the opportunities simply are not coming yet. I think they will, but it will probably be near the end of the summer, if at all. One thing that may have an enormous impact on this: KGW.com - Governor threatens to veto K-12 budget. Which is actually pretty funny to me, because I like Governor Kulongoski, voted for him, and he spoke at my WOU graduation last year, but now he has the ability to really dampen my prospects for a job. Just remember, everyone - you cannot have good public schools without people earning money and paying their taxes!
Secondly, I know I keep coming back to this, but pay attention to what is going on in Iran right now! It is seriously monumental and really ties in to what we were talking about in class at the end of the year. This weekend, especially, should be really interesting. The leader of Iran (it is basically a theocracy - a religious government), Ayatollah Khamenei has basically said "bring it" to the protesters of the recent election, and has threatened to use violence to suppress them. Link: CNN.com - Chants against West punctuate Khamenei's defiant speech. All of this might happen tomorrow. Just check out the headline of the Huffington Post right now (again, they are running a fantastic live blog of the whole uprising here):

A day of destiny, indeed. Let us all hope that the Iranians can resolve this conflict by gaining true democracy and rights for all, without any more blood being shed. You can see some really incredible pictures of the uprising (as well as a money quote by Gandhi) here: DailyKos.com - Tehran Street Photos -- On the Brink. Look at the reaction from all around the world too! Finally (for the Iran news), we also talked in class about how women (specifically in the Middle East) can have an impact in policy and gaining rights. Here's a fantastic article about how the women in Iran are responding to this: CNN.com - Women in Iran march against discrimination.
In other news, check out my (and now your) friend Ryan Bowen's pictures and blog from Rwanda - he has had a few updates since I last showed Period 1: PlayForHope.org - Ryan's Blog.
Finally, to wrap this all up - I cannot believe that I did not somehow find the time to show everyone these sites in class this year, but these are some of my favorites for FREE giving to people in need, just by clicking! The first one is: The Hunger Site. Just click on the "Click Here to Give -- It's Free" button in the middle, and presto, you have given 1.1 cups of food to hungry people! There are all sorts of good causes (just click on each site at the top) - click every day, for free, and help out people for nothing (it is based on the ad revenue from your click)! I try to do this every day, though I often forget. Just put it on your favorites! Make a difference in one minute, sitting at your computer!
That should just about do it! Wish me luck for everything coming up! I will try to post a new poll later tomorrow - it seems like the overwhelming favorite for right now is keeping the layout the same, which is good, because it means less work for me!
Have a fantastic weekend everyone! I miss all of you! :-)
hey fritz,
i was in the same place you were in that picture about a week ago. It was so cool. Were are you for football?
I am at Lewis and Clark now, until July 18! I just got out of my first two classes... by far the most amount of homework I have ever had for a first night. That isn't even counting the three hour long class I am off to right now!
I will try to make it out to Westview later in the summer to help out (possibly doubles in August), but until then, my time at the school is over. Sad times! Great to see you out at camp though - keep working hard!
so sorry it's taken me so long to write this! I've been very busy, and stressed because of some sad news I found out about a few of my great uncles and aunts. BUT anyways, I know you wanted to see some more pictures so heres the link to my page were my photos are:
If you want to email me (which I remember to check more then the blog) my email is marbear15@hotmail.com
Thanks!! :)
I GOT ALL A'S!!!! 4.0 :DDD
I'm so proud of myself! haha anyways, talk to you soon! :)
Yay! Hi Mary!
It is really too bad that you have been stressed and sad at the start of summer - that is not how it is supposed to be! I am way excited to check out your pictures, after I get done with all of my homework tonight... seriously, this is the most I have ever had from the first day of school!
I just sent you an e-mail to sign up and be an author on the blog, so that you can post whenever you want, whatever you want. You could even simply post a picture at times, with no words - that would be amazing too!
P.S. - You definitely earned every grade that you got, I am sure. Keep working hard next year and continue to have those awesome work habits! They will serve you extremely well in the future.
Thanks for checking in, it is fantastic to hear from you!
Aww thank you! WELL it sure doesn't feel like summer! What is up with this weather??? Good god I really want hot weather! haha :)
I'll let you get to your work!! Sorry about how much you have! I'll go check my email, I will try to post a picture sometime, I'd probably be scared that I'd ruin your blog! HAHA but I'll try :)
It definitely doesn't feel like summer, seeing as it has been raining a ton, and I am in non-stop school! No good at all.
I 100% guarantee that you will not "ruin the blog" with a picture every now and then - in fact, I'll bet people would be really interested to see how you are using your incredible talent! Check out the main page below my latest post – we've already had a few students post blogs of their own!
By the way, I couldn't resist checking out the flickr already, and WOW, you are talented at photography. Like, way, way better than I am. You truly have a gift. Definitely excited to see what you can come up with in your free time now! Have a great night!
HEy Fritz,
well I really want you to come to some of my games next year. And maybe you can see me play varcity! maybe!
I am definitely going to come out as much as I possibly can. I have no idea what I will be doing past July 17, when Lewis and Clark gets out - hopefully I can find a job or figure something out.
You will absolutely have to let me know on here when your games are and what level you end up playing in the fall - let me tell you from the inside that the coaching staff thinks really highly of your ability, that is for sure! Again, hopefully I can come out again near the end of the summer and help out with doubles and the start of the season - it really all depends on if I can find a job or not! I am guessing that a lot of my time will be spent tracking down leads.
How's the attendance at the summer conditioning practices so far? Are you going to get one of those sweet Iron Cat Club shirts from Coach A at the end of the summer for going to 30 out of 33?
Practices are going great! I am going to try snd make as many as I can, but baseball is going to get in the way a little. But I think I can make all 33.
But I am trying my best to get out on the field everyday and get better and better. But I will tell you how things are going and update you on things.
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